The Governor of South Sumatra Admires the Collection Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam

Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) H Herman Deru with SMB IV when he saw the KPD stand after opening the Joint Exhibition of the State Museum of South Sumatra, Balaputra Dewa, Tuesday (10/11).

Palembang, BP

Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) H Herman Deru officially opened the Joint Exhibition of the State Museum of South Sumatra, Balaputra Dewa, Tuesday (10/11).
The activity was attended by 28 participants, 17 of them from the community, exhibiting various collections of historical objects, ranging from prehistoric times, the Sriwijaya Kingdom, to the era of the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
When reviewing the exhibition stand belonging to the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate (KPD), the Governor of South Sumatra H Herman Deru accompanied by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) IV Jaya Wikrama R.M.Fauwaz Diradja, S.H.M.Kn admired the collection belonging to the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate.
In the exhibition, KPD displayed several heirlooms from Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, including the gold-plated Al-Quran which is hundreds of years old from Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, the Sultan’s lineage of Palembang, the Palembang Sultanate stamp, sketches of SMB II Village in Ternate, Palembang keris and some literature others include old Palembang maps.
This made the Governor of South Sumatra H Herman Deru amazed. Herman Deru even entered and toured the KPD stand.
In fact, the governor had time to ask SMB IV about the collections in the KPD et al.
On that occasion SMB IV also handed over the Palembang saga book to the Governor of South Sumatra and the Governor of South Sumatra happily accepted.
“This is a saga book, this is in Malay Arabic,” said SMB IV, the governor answered, “Oh Malay Arabic, accept it still,” said the Governor.
The presence of SMB IV also attracted the attention of exhibition visitors, many times SMB IV had to serve photos with residents including residents who asked about the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate itself including its history. Everything was served well and kindly by SMB IV.
According to SMB IV, he said that in this exhibition, KPD participated in which KPD had many historical objects that could be known by the public.
“This is education for the public about history and culture,” he said.
According to him, the KPD collection displayed in the exhibition this time consisted of a gold-inked Al Quran, the sultanate stamp, a number of old books as well as KPD’s kris and weapons.
SMB IV ensures that it will support exhibition activities not only at the State Museum of South Sumatra Balaputra Dewa but at other places as well.
Meanwhile, the Governor appreciated the activity, which aims to invite all parties not to forget history. Especially in the midst of the current era of information technology advances.
“Organizing this exhibition is a brilliant idea when we are attacked by an IT epidemic. But this is not a disease if we properly manage it. IT can be our partner. As an archive for all events that have happened on this earth,” he said.
The governor hopes that this activity can add insight to visitors about art objects of historical value. However, he hopes for a clear explanation regarding these collectibles.
“People who do not love art, if they understand, there will be feelings of love and love in due time. But if we let it, the item will only become a pile of things, without meaning, “he explained.
He further said that civilization in South Sumatra consists of several periods. Starting from prehistoric times, the Kingdom of Sriwijaya, the Kingdom of Palembang, the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam, the period of the struggle for independence, to modern times today.
“I hope that zuriat, our children and grandchildren, until the next generation will know about these historical phases. There is no present without past, “he said.
Historical relics, he continued, are national assets. For that it must be maintained and preserved.
Meanwhile, Acting Head of the South Sumatra Culture and Tourism Office, Megawati, said the exhibition was attended by 28 participants. Consisting of six local museums, one outdoor museum, two Palembang Darussalam Sultanates, and 17 communities in Palembang City.
“This joint exhibition involves various communities of lovers of antique collections. Organized by the South Sumatra State Museum. As an effort to foster communities to cooperate with museums in protecting and preserving culture, developing and making use of historical cultural objects, as well as communicating to the public at large, “he explained.
During the exhibition, he continued, seminars and workshops were also held with various themes related to the historical and cultural heritage of South Sumatra.
After giving his speech, the governor hit the gong accompanied by the two sultans, as a sign of the opening of the joint exhibition at the South Sumatra State Museum. This activity will last until 19 November.
The governor also had the opportunity to see the exhibition arena. Museum collection objects are exhibited here. Such as equipment for processing agricultural products, namely rice spreads, wooden mortars, rice spreads.
Then the Garuda Sriwijaya Lubuklinggau Subkoss Museum exhibited a number of traditional sharp weapons, such as the mandau and keris. Likewise Gending Sriwijaya Galeri. In the exhibition arena, there are also motorbikes and antique motorbikes from the Indonesian Old Bicycle Community (KOSTI).#osk

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